Career Coaching


We are in unprecedented times of career and lifestyle change. Our careers are now being required to become more flexible to meet the increasing restructure of organisations and the differing needs of our own lifestyles.

The average length of time in employment is reducing. People are now looking to change their careers every 3-7 years and change employers within 18 months to 3 years. The percentage of the population over the age of 50 is increasing, so too are the number of displaced workers.

The way in which we are employed has also started to change. There is more of an emphasis on contract work, outsourcing, temporary employment, telecommuting and virtual organisations, to name just a few.

  • Career Coaching Three

    Over the last 15 years coaching has become an essential ingredient in business success and personal fulfilment. How do you choose the ideal coach for you?

  • Career Coaching Two

    Over the last 15 years coaching has become an essential ingredient in business success and personal fulfilment. How do you choose the ideal coach for you?

  • Career Coaching One

    Over the last 15 years coaching has become an essential ingredient in business success and personal fulfilment. How do you choose the ideal coach for you?