Leadership Blogs

Afraid Of Being Found Out?

Author: Kathy Rodwell

Do you believe your success is a fluke? Are you harboring dark secrets of inadequacy or feelings of amazement that you are in the role you are in? Then you may also worry that at any time you will be discovered as an imposter or a fraud, and once found out your life will somehow be changed and you will need to work even harder to claw your way back up. If you are plagued by these thoughts and feel ready to give them up then let’s explore a mor 

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Are You Strategic? And What Could You Be Missing?

Author: Selina Ryan

How much strategic agility do you have and do you know what it really means to be strategic? Many of my executive clients have a goal to improve their strategic ability. Many of them are unsure if they are currently being strategic enough for their role and don’t know what they should be doing to develop themselves further. The Oxford definition of strategy is defined as: “A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim” 

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Are You A Top 200 Communicator?

Author: Selina Ryan

Effective leaders are also effective communicators. Research with 200 successful leaders highlights they all have similar communication patterns. They seek out new information, feedback and ideas from others and have the skills of persuasion [i]. A fabulous example of this is the well-known Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric. It is quoted that of all his management secrets his “Uncanny ability to communicate, to engender 

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What Nelson Mandela Taught Me

Author: Sarah Nanclares

Nelson Mandela was one of the most memorable initiators in history. He was a genius at taking his impactful ideas and then making them happen despite the odds. Of late, I have been doing lots of thinking about the concept of initiation or, how to make stuff happen. Having hit a point in my life that is either sink or swim for me and my children, you would think that this is a no-brainer but it isn’t. I am good with making decisions but not a 

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What Is Emotional Resilience?

Author: Selina Ryan

We hear lots of talk about the word resilience, but what does it actually mean to have resilience or be resilient? And why is it that some days you feel more resilient than others? Resilience is our ability to recover quickly from illness, change, misfortune or anything that brings us down. It’s our ability to deal with fear, disappointment or when things don’t turn out, as we would like them to. It is not necessarily the physical recovery 

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