Personal Development Blogs

Myth Busting Living My Purpose and Living Purposefully

Author: Sarah Nanclares

“What is my life purpose?” is one of my favourite coaching conversations of transcendental importance. It has the capacity to unleash the greatest creativity and liberate the spirit of many, yet, is often marred by an intense desire to only have one go at it and ‘get it right’. Other than ‘Who am I?”, “What’s my life purpose?” is the Holy Grail. What I have found over many years of coaching people are a collection of myths th 

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Do You Seek to Fit in or Stand Out?

Author: Sarah Nanclares

Part 1 of 3 series. Something magical happens when you realize that your brain is a magnificent piece of circuitry that you have freedom and choice to re-configure so that navigating life and people becomes smoother and more gratifying. This ‘magic’ refers to the freedom of choice that comes from taking ownership of running your own brain. When you make the decision to become adaptable and flexible you step into the zone where you are pro 

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Gratitude lessons from the edge of crisis

Author: Sarah Nanclares

At times, life is less than a cut and dry affair. The plan is: friend falls pregnant, friend carries baby to term in a haze of maternal bliss and when the time comes, friend goes into labour and baby is born. Mother and child do well. Happy family. Yesterday, I came face to face with the reality of what a miracle birthing a baby safely, both for mother and child, really is. Before my very eyes unfolded a situation that snow-balled to near ca 

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Coaching Strengths vs Blind Spots: Which Is Really Better?

Author: Sarah Nanclares

"Why do coaches seem to prefer to focus on fixing your weaknesses rather than building on your strengths?" Is a question that I am asked. When we develop our strengths and talents, it brings rewards such as achievement, applause and self-confidence. Playing to our strengths comes from Positive Psychology with its focus on “human flourishing as the main vehicle to enable individuals, communities and organisations to thrive.” When we fix (i 

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It’s Ok To Boycott Christmas

Author: Sarah Nanclares

If Christmas time is the time of good cheer and embracing our loved ones then why do so many romantic relationships end?, Why are there more familial fights at this time of the year than any other time? In essence, why are so many tears shed in the cheery season? For many, Christmas is about much internal conflict associated with a sense of obligation to attend Christmas day events and the pressure from family coercing each other to conform a 

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