NLP & Neuro-Semantics

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler, a pioneering student of psychology, and an associate Professor of Linguistics, Dr. John Grinder at the University of California (USA).

Developed out of leading edge practices of human change and development of the time, including the work of Gestalt therapist Dr. Fritz Pearls, family therapist Virginia Satir, and the highly acclaimed hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, NLP has become an evidenced based practice for change and development (Wake, 2010).

Since this time, leaders in the field of NLP have developed more than 150 patterns and techniques for the pursuit of excellence in elite sport, business, organisational development, parenting, coaching, communication, leadership, and sales.

In 1994 a leader in the field of NLP, an early student of Richard Bandler, a cognitive behavioural psychologist Dr. L. Michael Hall developed a revolutionary model called The Meta-States Model, for working with self-reflexive consciousness. This breakthrough has led to another additional 150+ patterns and techniques for transformation and change. This body of work became known as Neuro-Semantics (NS) as Michael Hall co-founded with Dr. Bob Bodenhamer the International Society of Neuro-Semantics.

Since 1994 NS leaders have pioneered techniques for the field of coaching (Hall & Duval: 2003, 2004), over-coming stuttering (Bodenhamer, 2004), healing autoimmune disease (Duval, 2007), mental game of sport (Cooper & Goodenough, 2007), self-actualisation psychology (Hall, 2008), and self-leadership (Bryant, 2012).

There are, of course, many over laps between NLP and NS, given NS grew out of the field of NLP. They both focus on generative change, performance and success. The distinction between the two modalities is at which ‘level’ the intervention of change occurs. The core focus of NLP is on primary states and strategies. The core focus of NS is on meta states – higher meanings in the back of our mind.

Ideal Solutions

Business Coaching
Entrepreneurial start-up, business partnering, seeding values driven culture, vision, mission, coping with rapid growth, exit strategy, ideas generation, funding, leadership, business blind spots, break through sabotaging business behaviours, sounding board…
Executive Coaching
CEO and executive development, authentic leadership, onboarding first 90 days, feedback, identifying blind spots, career development and transition, managing internal politics, strategic decision making, communication mastery, building values driven culture, team coaching…
Life Coaching
Work life balance, reduce stress, dream creation, break through sabotaging behaviours, career development and transition, authentic relationships, increase energy and vitality, intimacy, self-confidence and self-esteem, communication skills….

For further reading on NLP and NS

  • Bodenhamer, B., Hall, L. M. (1999). The User’s Manual For the Brain Vol I. The complete manual for neuro-linguistic programing practitioner level. Wales: Crown House Publishing Ltd.
  • Bodenhamer, B., Hall, L. M. (2003). The Users Manual For the Brain Vol II. Mastering systemic NLP. Wales: Crown House Publishing Ltd.
  • Dilts, R. (2003). From coach to awakener. California: Meta Publications.
  • Hall, L. M. (1996, 2000, 2001) The Spirit of NLP, The process, meaning and criteria for mastering NLP. Wales: Crown House Publishing Ltd.
  • Hall, L. M., Bodenhamer, B., Bolstad, R., Hablett, M. (2001). The Structure of Personality, Modeling ‘personality’ using NLP and neuro-semantics. Wales: Crown House Publishing Ltd.
  • Knight, S. (2000). NLP at Work, Neuro Linguistic Programming, the difference that makes the different in business. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • McDermont, I., Jago, W. (2001). The NLP Coach, a comprehensive guide to personal wellbeing and professional success. London: Piatkus.
  • McLeod, A. (2000, 2003, 2006). Me, Myself, My Team, How to Become an Effective Team Player Using NLP. Wales: Crown House Publishing Ltd.
  • Linder-Pelz, S. (2010). NLP coaching, an evidenced based approach for coaches, leaders, and individuals. London: Kogan Page.
  • O’Connor, J., Lages, A. (2004). Coaching with NLP, a practical guide to getting the best out of yourself and others. London: HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Wake, L. (2010). NLP: principles in practice. Herts: Ecademy Press.